Local Assistance
The Kewaunee County Economic Development Corporation will work with you to identify potential various financial options currently available. We will help you and the community to secure the best options for the success of your business.
Revolving Loan Funds (RLF)
Revolving Loan Funds are designed to provide funds, generally at favorable interest rates, that can assist entrepreneurs with funds needed to start or expand a business. Loans are generally tied to maintaining or expanding the work force. As the business repays the funds to the local unit of government, the money can be loaned to other existing businesses within the community or county to finance additional economic development projects.
The Kewaunee County RLF provides loans from $10,000 to $250,000. Any business or industry located in Kewaunee County (including start-up) or any business or industry moving to Kewaunee County may apply for these funds. Learn more
Tax Increment Financing
A TIF is a mechanism for financing local economic development projects. Taxes generated by the increased property values pay for land acquisition or needed public works. The Cities of Kewaunee and Algoma, as well as the Village of Luxemburg have used TIF to accommodate and support new industrial and commercial development projects.
Industrial Revenue Bonds
Kewaunee County participate in Wisconsin’s Industrial Revenue Bond program. The Wisconsin program is available to assist manufacturers with expansion projects through low interest financing. The State of Wisconsin grants the bonding authority (volume cap allocation) to cities, villages and towns to issue the bonds on behalf of a business. Learn more eligible projects