Agribusiness Loan Guarantee:
Provides loan guarantees to businesses developing products, markets, methods of processing or marketing for a Wisconsin-grown commodity. The maximum guarantee of 80% on loans up to $750,000 can be used for equipment, land, buildings, working capital, inventory and marketing expenses. For more information, visit:
Beginning Farmer Bond:
Provides low interest loans to new farmers for the purchase of land, equipment, livestock and buildings.
CROP (Credit Relief Outreach Program) Guarantee:
Provides loan guarantees for agricultural production. For more information, visit:
FARM (Farm Asset Reinvestment Management) Guarantee:
Provides loan guarantees for agricultural expansion and modernization. For more information, visit:
Milk Volume Production (MVP) Program:
Assists dairy producers that are undertaking capital improvement projects that will result in a significant increase in Wisconsin’s milk production. This program was created to aggressively support Wisconsin’s $20 billion dairy industry. For more information, visit: