Stepanie took the 920 Pledge in December 2021, going to 9 Kewaunee County stores and spending at least $20 in each during the holiday season.  

Great gifts come from all stores of all sizes, so be sure to shop Kewaunee County in every season!  

Kewaunee County Economic Development Corporation (KCEDC) would like to thank all participants for supporting our local businesses over the Christmas holiday season. We encourage you to do it year-round. Take some time to visit the three chamber of commerce websites and learn what businesses are in our county. You just might be surprised to find a couple that you didn’t know about!

KCEDC would like to offer a special shoutout to Bank of Luxemburg for being a sponsor and supporter of the 920 pledge! 

Photo: Ben Nelson, KCEDC Executive Director presents 920 Pledge winner Stephanie St. John with gift certificates from the Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce, Kewaunee Chamber of Commerce, and Luxemburg Area Chamber of Commerce totaling $180!